When I first tried to see the aura of plants, I saw a petri dish in the sky. I had failed miserably in my goal – as so many things do, when you first have a go at something. Funnily enough though I saw something else which was completely unexpected but just as magical.
I was at the dog park and as my dog ran around I focused my attention on the various trees in the park. It had only been a few months after I’d finished reading the Celestine Prophecy – so I was keen to put into practice some of the techniques mentioned in the book. Specifically I wanted to practice seeing the energy field and aura of plants. I tried desperately to concentrate on the tree trunks. My eyes started watering, but I could not see anything out of the ordinary.
So I moved my gaze skyward and tried to see the energy field around the canopy. Although my eyes didn’t water, I still couldn’t see anything.
But what I did notice – against the clear blue sky – were a few little sparkly flecks. I changed my focus a bit and out of nowhere millions of little sparkly squiggly specks became visible to me. They kept popping in and out of existence as they wriggled around. Each would only last maybe a second or two. It was like looking at a petri dish in the sky. Lots of little squiggly things wriggling around – but all across the sky.
I maintained my focus and looked around the park – I could see them everywhere. The air itself was filled with these little flecks. It was just a lot easier to see them against a clear blue sky – they were beautiful tiny pin pricks of light that moved around of their own accord. The whole scene was very sparkly, as if glitter was floating around the sky.
It was only much later after speaking to a psychic friend that I found out that what I had seen was effectively the energy of the planet itself. Since then I’ve learnt to be able to see this energy very easily and so can you.
How you can see the energy of the planet
If you’d like to see your own petri dish in the sky – it’s just a matter of adjusting the focal point of your eyes. It’s a lot like those magic eye/3D patterns that were so popular in the 90s. In fact I highly recommend googling them and printing off a couple images to practise.
Any one can learn to see the energy of the planet.
If you remember the Magic Eye images you’ll know that the trick is to focus either just before or behind the image. If you focus directly at ‘it’ you’ll loose the image.
When trying to see the energy of the planet, I find its easiest to focus on the air about 2 meters in front of me – a bit like day dreaming, when you’re not really looking at anything.
You’ll know you’re focusing too close if you see black squiggles that seem to avoid your gaze. By that I mean if you look left they move left. The black marks will just be the scratches and hairs etc on the surface of your eye – hence why they tend to move in the direction your looking. You may also find white squiggly /sparkly things the seem to float upward in your vision. This is not what I’m referring to either.
The energetic squiggles don’t try to evade your eyesight – they are just wriggling in and out of existence and its us who can focus our eyes in such a way that we can see them.