Religion and/or spirituality wasn’t really a part of my upbringing. If anything I would say I was brought up as an agnostic atheist. So the idea that I could connect with Angels was not on my radar.
But 2011 had other plans in mind. It was the year that I started taking part in workshops on ‘alternative’ topics.
To start with….
I had always liked crystals as things of beauty and for jewellery but nothing more. A friend opened my eyes to their healing and energetic properties.
And at this point in time, I didn’t believe in angels (in a traditional way). In fact I was sceptical about anything even remotely religious because of my upbringing.
But as fate would have it, one day, my friend told me about some workshops she had done. The workshops she recommended were about using crystals for healing and how to connect with angels. I was keen to learn more.
As it turned out, my first workshop was a one day course: ‘How to Connect with Angels’. I must admit that I did go in a bit apprehensive thinking ‘here we go….brace yourself for the religious bullshit’.
But it never came up.
Instead I learnt:
- what angel numbers are (repeatedly seeing the same sequence or number pattern (eg 1:11).
- I had been seeing repeating number patterns on clocks and posters for years but didn’t know what it meant. For example, every time I looked at a clock it would always involve 1’s eg 1:11 or 11:11 or 11:01 or 10:11. Check out this article by Doreen Virtue for the meaning behind the numbers and my favourite go to site.
- an alternative automatic writing method (slightly different to how my friend had shown me in highschool)
- how to meditate to connect with angels
- the various names and roles angels have
- how you know when they are around you
No religious BS at all! I was pleasantly surprised. They treated angels as just another life form that co-exists with us in our multi-dimensional universe. This was a concept that resonated with me.
Learning to use Angel Tarot Cards
Part of the day was spent using Angel Tarot Cards.
I went along with the activity but didn’t expect anything from it. Again I was hesitant as in year 12 I had a painful experience when handling tarot cards. I thought tarot/oracle cards were something I should not get involved in. Much to my surprise, handling the Angel cards was an enjoyable experience.
We were partnered up to do readings on each other but I felt like a fool trying to ‘read’ the meaning – even with the help of the book that comes along with the pack of cards. Clearly I sucked at this and it just wasn’t for me. I felt like I was the idiot in the class as everyone else seemed to be having a fabulous time.
But on the third round, for a brief few seconds the cards in front of me lit up in different colours.
I was doing a 12 month spread and some cards lit up with a gentle yellow haze and others dimmed a little. It was also accompanied by a strong feeling that the light/dark represented good/bad months of the year for my activity partner. I was blown away. I explained what I saw and she was very interested. [note: I never saw her again so I have no idea how accurate my reading was].
After that I thought I could learn to use and work with Angel cards and have done so since. I’ve purchased a few different packs over the years – like fairies, nature spirits, etc – but the ones I keep coming back to are Doreen Virtues Angel Tarot Cards. And I have had some amazing experiences using them. They are scarily accurate and I’ve been able to help a number of friends by using them which is the most rewarding part of it all.
Put the book down….
For many years I needed to use the book that came with the cards but over time I learnt to trust my gut. I had no choice really. One day during a reading for a house mate, I got the strong mental message that I was not to use the book anymore but to rely solely on my instinct. I doubted myself and reached for the book. But as I reached out for the book I experienced a sharp poke/tickle in my throat resulting in a coughing fit. Every time I went to reach for the book I had an instant coughing fit. I got the message and gave in – I allowed my mind to wander and let information just flow trusting what my mouth had to say.
And years later – a coughing fit is still how they tell me to ‘stop doing what ever it is you are doing’.
How you can connect with Angels
Connecting with Angels is partly practice and partly allowing them to come to you.
You see: we have the free will to reject or welcome their presence in our lives. They want to help us – but they need our permission to step in. They can’t step in of their own free will.
So if you’d like to connect with them, I recommend setting an intention. An intention prayer/meditation statement to help you may look something like:
“I give permission to my Guardian Angels and the Arch Angels to enter my life in a more purposeful way. I welcome them to walk beside me as I make a conscious choice to learn to listen and see their guidance in my life. And so it is.”
Feel free to use your own words that are meaningful to you. They are eager to help us. The hard part is learning to hear/see/feel their answers and presence. Their dimension is so light compared to our dense 3D world. This means their messages are faint – like a whisper on the wind.
Signs of Angelic contact
A few ways you know an angel/spirit guide is near:
- You’ll get sensations in your body (eg goose bumps on certain parts of your body or a presence of something larger than yourself (but also loving) near you)
- After meditating or even just thinking about them you see a white feather quite randomly
- Repeating numbers on clocks, licence plates…anywhere.
- A piece of music with pertinent lyrics pops into your mind or plays on the radio
- A thought comes to you quite out of the blue – it could be about a person, place or thing.
My recommendation is that you set the intention to connect with them, acknowledge their presence in your life and express gratitude that they make the effort to reach out, and keep your spidey senses on alert for incoming messages.
Good luck!