A negative entity isn’t necessarily an evil presence, but you also don’t need to have them in your life. My first visit with Julie (detailed in previous post) was eye opening. She explained that I have a number of spirits or guides around me and showed me how I could make sure I only dealt with positive beings. One of her tips was to ask the spirit “Do you walk in Gods’ light?” Apparently this is the only question that spirits can not lie to.
That night, lying in bed, I felt a familiar sensation that one or two of my spirits friends was hanging around. So I asked them asked “Do you walk in Gods’ light?”
Instantly one of the beings became very annoyed and threatening.
It’s a hard thing to explain how this feels because I couldn’t see them. But its similar to how we get ‘vibes’ from people around us about the mood they are in. Sometimes you don’t need to ask someone if they are having a bad day – you just know. Sometimes a person can walk into a room, you don’t have to even see them to know what sort of mood they are in. Some people give off such a strong mood vibe. That’s what this was like. I didn’t need to see them to know they were shitty.
As I lay there in bed I was taken aback by the sudden rush of menace and hostility in the air. It was like the entity was 1 inch away from my face and was yelling at me (even though I couldn’t hear or see them). It wasn’t happy. I had caught it out in a lie.
Clear and protect yourself from negative entities
Naturally I was terrified. My first thought was that I’ve bitten off more than I can chew and now I’m dealing with an angry spirit. Luckily Julie had also told me how to protect myself. In a firm but calm manner I stated that they must leave and insisted that only those who walked in Gods’ light may be in my presence. A few F bombs were thrown in too. Then I proceeded to imagine myself surrounded by gold light and crosses as Julie had advised.
The hostility went away after about 1 minute and it has never been back since.
As I write this, I’ve only had one other negative incident in the years since. I’m sure there will be more. Thankfully they are not common.
For anyone wanting to get into energetic work and learn to improve their psychic skills, I firmly believe you need to know how to protect yourself. There are many wonderful and good energies (angels and guides etc) in the world. There are many mischievous ones too. But there are also the negative energies. And they can attach themselves to us without our realising.
And although they may not be ‘evil’ in the classic Hollywood sense, they do like to cause us difficulty. But more on that in other posts.