Experiencing ultimate bliss is by some considered to be touching the face of God. When I finally hit rock bottom the only direction left was up. And it was the most profound energetic experience of my life up to that point.
How it all came about…
About 3 months earlier, I had a dream where I was shown my life could be a golden path or I could opt out and live a normal life.
In the dream I was shown a choice. But months later, I still wanted to give up on life. Looking back I don’t think I had really hit rock bottom yet because I hadn’t decided. I think part of me enjoyed wallowing in the victim mentality – not that I knew it at the time. But one morning I found myself utterly broken. I was a zombie on auto pilot. I felt dead inside but I had to go to work.
As I was about to leave for work, I paused at the front door and said out aloud to the world “I give up. I choose the golden path. Help me to do that.” Emotionally, I was on my knees looking into a black hole but I also felt like I did not come here to give up.
I opened the front door and stepped out. I closed the door and turned around to make my usual journey to the bus stop. But as I started to walk, a golden path or line appeared in front of me – just like in my dream. I looked up and noticed that the sky was filled with hundreds of these lines. It was a criss-cross of lines much like a web.
When the world changed in front of my eyes
The blue sky was still faintly visible but over it were 1000s of lines. Most of the lines in the sky were a pale grey/white. But the odd one here and there was a golden colour. And every so often a sparkle would travel along one of these web lines. There were points at which a line split and intersected with other lines and sometimes a sparkle would pause at an intersection before moving on.
The vision was as clear as day and lasted for a good 10 mins. I marvelled at the sky and followed the golden path that was in front of me. It led to the bus stop.
Whilst waiting for the bus, I was over come with the feeling of immense joy and felt all the living things around me send me their energy. My skin prickled like the air had grown fingers and I could see streams of energy emitting from me to everything and vice versa. It was like being the centre of a plasma ball.
At the same time I just KNEW (ie my soul remembered) that we are all energy. I am the rock, the grass, the animals and they are all me. It’s such a weird feeling to describe. It was like every cell in my body suddenly grew a brain and remembered. From every cell of my being, there was a collective ‘YES – we remember this and THIS is how it really is’.
Literally. Every. Single. Cell.
Part of my brain was going ‘oh no…’ whilst the rest of me was singing with joy of connecting with this energy.
I was filled with such joy and happiness that I wanted to burst out laughing. But as I was at the bus stop with other people I thought that might be a bit weird – so I stood there grinning like an idiot. After the bus arrived, I got on, and in about 2 minutes the world faded back to normal. And I went about my day in a blissed out but mind blow kind of way.
The take homes from the experience
Even to this day I’m not sure what the ‘sky web’ was. At the time I believed it to be a representation of our individual ‘life paths’ and the splits/intersections are the choice points we encounter. I guess only time will tell if I ever figure that out.
But the biggest learnings out of that life changing experience for me were:
- Our cells do have their own ‘memories’ and they remember life on a different level. People talk about muscle memory – but there’s also a deeper cellular memory.
- There are other levels of existence that exist at the same time with us – we just can’t see them. Like someone who is colour blind to the colour blue. They can’t see the colour blue, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
- If we all could feel that sensation of connectedness and realise that we ARE all of the same energy, then I think we’d have a better appreciation for other life – people, animals & plants. We wouldn’t kill each other, we wouldn’t treat animals the way we do and eat them and we would have respect for the earth instead of ruining her as we do.
The concept of everything is energy isn’t new. And I already knew this to be the case years before this experience. I’m quite the fan of science and quantum physics.
But to experience what that actually meant was mind blowing. Much like when you ‘know’ something in a surface/intellectual way, but when it drops into your system – you KNOW it. And until you experience KNOWING you can’t understand what its like because you have no frame of reference. And so you’ll continue to think that what you ‘know’ is all there is. Until one day something happens and you realise that you actually didn’t ‘know’ it at all.
Ultimate bliss
Since having this experience, I’ve mentioned it to a couple of other psychics and they called it ‘touching the face of god’. Even in Eckhart Tolle’s book ‘The Power of Now’ he talks about a connection to the ultimate being/bliss/God. And I have to agree – that is exactly what its like. Connecting with ultimate energy, bliss, love & knowingness. It was as if I was getting a glimpse behind the curtain of a show. To see how the magic happens. Only this was life and I was experiencing God or the universe. And I got to remember it all.
And it’s THE BEST!