Normally we ignore the little signs the universe sends us until our guides give us a spiritual slap or drag us to where we are meant to be!
A couple of years ago I had an amazing experience that left me gobsmacked. In truth a small part of me did wonder if I was going crazy. But I mainly found the experience exhilarating and wanted others to also experience it.
Understand though, that it was just another in a series of ever increasing psychic experiences. It wasn’t my first energetic adventure but it was at the point my most profound and life changing.
One of the lasting memories I have from it is my desire to help others experience the same moment. So I started this blog in the hopes of sharing knowledge with others who are:
- seeking to develop their own psychic skills
- going through a spiritual awakening and not understanding what is happening to them
Where to start?
If someone had told me 2 years ago that I’d be doing this – a blog about my psychic experiences I would have laughed. And to think I’m also very much into crystal healing and energy work now is just crazy talk to my former self. But if I look back – I’ve been dabbling in metaphysical things since my teens. Never too much of it seriously though – let alone think I can use it to help others.
I never felt like I fitted in anyway, so when weird energetic experiences started happening to me, it came along with an odd sense of resignation. Of course the weird kid is going to have a weird adult life!
Two years ago I was working for the Government as a multimedia developer and studying acting part time. The job had turned from something I loved into something that was making me physically ill. The acting was something I’d always wanted to do and I was lucky enough to work for a place that encouraged me to do something outside of work to prevent me leaving.
So why start a blog now?
Well…recently I experienced a day filled with A LOT of coincidences and/or messages from the Universe/God/Spirit.
I like to call them Spiritual Slaps.
The day was a culmination of a lot of little things that I shared with some close friends. One of them suggested I put my experiences in a blog at the time, and now that I have a bit of time I can!
Over the last year I’ve experienced a lot of odd things. I feel I’ve learnt to see more and more of the signals that the universe has sent me. Such as repeating numbers, people saying certain things or I’ve noticed certain objects/words around the place more than normal.
This has had me thinking for some time now that I’d love to be able to help people with energy healing/crystal healing.
The problem is I don’t consider myself any good at it. When ever the healing idea came to me I’d squash it and just ignore it. I can’t really explain it. On the one hand, I noticed the signs but on the other hand I didn’t. I just thought ‘yeah whatever…’ A bit like being told to do something by your parents but you don’t want to. You hear/see it but you don’t. You hope that if you ignore it – they’ll go away.
It doesn’t help that I’m an introvert and like to do things properly if I’m going to do it at all. For me this means:
- having people over to my house induces anxiety, and
- I can’t set up a dedicated healing room in my house.
I really like to get in my own way. And I’m a master procrastinator.
Only divine support
Recently I had a idea hit me that was accompanied by a really big buzz in my body too – and it was to be a mobile therapist!
I visited my family for lunch and explained my idea. They basically laughed in my face. Thanks fam! They brought up all the negatives of doing any mobile service (ie self endangerment etc) and spoke about me being a crazy hippie….so that made me feel great. And I thought who am I kidding – trying to do this stuff is NOT a smart life choice.
Still feeling very lost, later that day I drew some cards and in the process of doing a 3 card spread 1 extra card fell out – a phoenix (enough said). The other 3 were basically :
- angels watch over you to ensure success;
- you’ve been chosen to be a spiritual warrior and you need to have courage/ don’t sell yourself short when it comes to your intuition;
- and thirdly – you’ve become lazy but don’t underestimate yourself. I’m a master of procrastination so the last card didn’t surprise me:)
Although I thought it was lovely to have the divine support – I had no idea of how to go about achieving it. It was all just too hard.
“See you can do this”
That night I meditated using a lepidolite crystal and had an amazing experience.
A heavenly being (a floating head & shoulders) surrounded me. He was huge and appeared in a pale yellow golden light, his head alone seemed to be about 2 feet wide.
I’m not sure if he was an angel or something else, but he said ‘see you can do this stuff’. He also explained I was an earth angel and that my wings were real (I had heard some one say ‘the wings are real’ when I first started having psychic experiences so it was a surprise to hear it again – I write about that in this post). According to him, the key for me to channel healing energy, was to bring out my wings and embrace my angelic side. To allow my angelic aspect do the healing.
Gulp!… ahhh I mean… WOW!
Early the next day, I woke up while it was still dark so I tried to go back to sleep. But the dog needed to go to the toilet so I had to get up to let her out. I noticed the time was 4:44 am. As I jumped back into bed I made a note to check out that number on the internet the next day. Just as I was falling asleep something fell down causing me and the dog to fly from the room thinking we had intruders in the house. Turned out some books had randomly fallen off the shelf. So since I was now WIDE awake (thank you universe) I looked up 444 on the net and lo and behold it was ‘your on your path and your surrounded by angels’.
Repeating numbers are commonly known as Angel Numbers. My go to site to find out their meaning is Joanne’s Sacred Scribe blog
In summary
This one day had a lot of spiritual slapping from the universe. I was feeling very lost and unsure of my next steps – just treading water so to speak. I’m still not 100% sure how to proceed but I know they have my back. Now I just need to figure out the next steps.
I’ve always had faith that the universe provides for me. My entire work history has been one co-incidence after another. Something has always happened to me that has sent me off into a career…usually at the point where I’ve given up hope. So on a day like that day, when the universe was trying very hard to get my attention and slap me in the right direction I have to listen.
Its been a strange old world. And I’m still learning to see the little hints and coincidences that the other side send through on a more regular basis. We ask questions and expect answers rather quickly. I’ve learnt that that’s not how it works. Their idea of time is different to ours. We like to have/know things NOW but that’s not how angels/guides/etc work. “Soon” for me means within the next couple of weeks maybe months at worst. But I’ve learnt that “soon” to for them means 3 – 5 years of my time. Or at least that has been my experience.
I know this is just the start, so I fully expect more Spiritual Slaps from the universe.
But for now I need to catch you up on how I got here. To do that – let me take you back to my teens. Or you can also explore this blog using the tags where I’ve grouped posts by my age.