The idea that I could connect with Angels was laughable I thought but I was proven wrong
The idea that I could connect with Angels was laughable I thought but I was proven wrong
A crystal healing workshop opened me up to a whole new world as I had no idea that crystals could be used in this way.
During a course on channelling I learnt about the many levels/dimensions of existence and with my animation background I found it easier to understand the concept as if it were a cartoon or photoshop file.
I share my 20 year journey to learn and communicate with my spirit guides to help you understand the many forms they can take.
Following the guidance of my medical intuitive friend I found myself leaping back in time for a few brief minutes
My first interactions with Angels were unexpected and just another weird thing that was my life.
When I got to live life as the spirit having a human experience it was amazing!
I might of failed in my attempt to see the aura of plants but I succeeded in seeing the energy of the planet
A entertaining and informative look at the history of the planet that is older than what we may think.
My first and scariest experience when I caught out a low level energy that had been with me for many years